Help Shape our New Mobile App – Request to be a Beta Tester

By Renold Liu

Calling all Leadbox Dealers! Come provide your expertise and feedback as a Beta user for our new Leadbox iOS and Android App.

The Leadbox Mobile app is the process of getting a redesign to improve usability. The Leadbox companion mobile app is one of the most frequently used tools at Leadbox. It allows the dealer to take vehicle photos, edit descriptions and get useful information directly from Leadbox’s inventory management system. 

The new app will increase workflow efficiency and provide a more visually updated design. We’re currently looking for beta sites to help with the final touches of this app.

Some things to consider for people wanting to join the beta program.

  • Not all requests to be a beta tester will be approved.
  • Approved Beta Testers will:
    • Be provided with the latest and greatest releaese of our mobile app
    • Be required to document any bugs or irregularities you encounter

Here are some great dev screenshots of the new app:


Mobile, Website Product