What’s new in Leadbox’s Website 5.6 Release

By Renold Liu

The Leadbox core website team is excited to announce the release of 5.6 for the Leadbox website platform!

This release includes:

  • Continuous loading of vehicle results
  • Sorting by Discount Size 
  • Leadbox Announcements Upon Logon

Let’s take a look!

Continuous loading of vehicle results

Inspired by social media feeds, our newest option for vehicle results allows the user to scroll the vehicle results without pagination. Once the shopper nears the bottom of the list, the Leadbox platform will automatically load additional vehicles. 

With the continuous loading of vehicle results, shoppers can peruse the dealership’s vehicles without losing their place.  

Check it out

Sorting by Total Discount Size

One of the biggest reasons a shopper will go to an individual dealership is to see what kind of deal a dealership will have on a specific vehicle. Dealers and shoppers can now sort vehicles by the total discount amount either in ascending or descending order. 

Leadbox Announcements Upon Login

In almost every arena, communication is key! Dealers are now able to special messaging from Leadbox when they log into the content management system.

These messages can pertain to support, how-tos, new features, announcements, or special offers. 

Release notes

Full Dev release notes are available here:



We’d love to get more suggestions. If you got suggestions you’d like to submit, please provide your feedback here:



Website Product